Mr. Aumann has over 21 years of field and project management experience completing environmental consulting activities at bulk fuel facilities, retail stations, golf courses, industrial and commercial facilities and properties. He has provided supervisory field lead and geological expertise and support for shallow, intermediate and deep monitoring well installation and soil, sediment, groundwater and surface water sampling conducted as part of large-scale assessments for both federal and state funded, as well as privately funded and consent order sites for many clients. Mr. Aumann also has experience in hydrogeologic assessment and testing including slug testing, construction oversight, remediation system operation and maintenance, Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment Due Diligence Activities and Reporting, FDEP Stormwater Management Inspection and BMP assessment, golf course assessment, chlorinated solvent-impacted assessment and remediation, water use permitting including NPDES and Dewatering Permit Applications state-wide, Pollution Prevention and Best Management Practices Planning. With over 20 years in a lead Health and Safety supervisor role, Greg is a natural fit as NovelE's Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO).
Representative Project Experience Bay Pines Healthcare System, St. Petersburg, Pinellas County: Mr Aumann is providing the primary project management and field oversight for site activities on this 5-year, $4.16 million IDIQ. He was designated as the Site Safety Supervisor for the project. Duties included Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP) generation, Accident Prevention Plan (APP) and Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) development and implementation. Mr. Aumann was responsible for implementing and enforcing safe work practices for all tasks throughout the project duration. Mr. Aumann conducted assessment for three open discharges at the facility overseeing drilling and geophysical subcontractors. Assessment activities included the installation of soil borings and monitoring wells, gauging and delineation of free product, sampling of monitoring wells, and evaluation of remedial alternatives. Initial site activities for all three discharges were condensed to minimize disruptions to concurrent operations at the active VA hospital. Prior to the intrusive field activities, site walks were conducted with key onsite staff to determine utility and other underground hazards. Electro-magnetic (EM) and Real-Time Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Locating equipment was employed to locate and mark all facilities in the work area. Soil samples and groundwater samples were collected pursuant to regulatory guidelines. Based on the field screening and laboratory analysis, further assessment was recommended. Additional assessment is recommended to determine remedial alternatives for aggressive cleanup to bring this discharge to a No Further Action (NFA) status. Site activities were completed in accordance with The Department of Veteran’s Affairs Contractor Pamphlet for Safety, Infection Prevention and Security.
CCAFS Armory Road Landfill, Cape Canaveral Sir Force Station, Brevard County: Mr. Aumann worked closely with the United States Air Force and United States Army Corp of Engineers. The scope of work for the Task Order is for three projects for the CCAFS landfill. Mr. Aumann developed the scope of work required for compliance. Mr. Aumann was lead field geologist for monitoring well re-development and groundwater sampling, followed by field aquifer testing with the objective of providing an optimized monitoring plan for CCAFS landfill. Mr. Aumann assisted in hydrogeologic modeling and prepared the Aquifer Performance Test Plan submitted in May 2020. The next phase of work will include hydrogeologic testing and modeling of the entire landfill to develop and optimization plan for compliance.
Veterans Administration Medical Center, Bay Pines, St. Petersburg, Pinellas County: Mr. Aumann provided the primary project management and field oversight for site activities. The scope of work included assessment for three open discharges at the facility with the installation of soil borings and monitoring wells, gauging and delineation of free product, sampling of monitoring wells, and evaluation of remedial alternatives. Currently, Mr. Aumann is responsible for source removal activities including the monthly recovery of free product.
Naval Sea Systems Station Command Panama City (NAVSEA), Bay County, Florida: Mr. Aumann was lead field geologist for the Coastal System Station Naval Warfare Facility in Panama City, Florida for 3 years. Mr. Aumann performed all groundwater and soil sampling activities at the base which was comprised of two AOCs. Mr. Aumann also performed free-product recovery in the wells at the site.
Naval Air Station Whiting Field (NAS Whiting Field), Milton, Santa Rosa County, Florida: Mr. Aumann performed gas analyzing and sampling for a bio-sparging system, one of only several systems of its kind in the state, and associated groundwater sampling and assessment activities. Mr. Aumann coordinated all base access and project site authorization with project managers in Richmond, VA, Naval Engineering and base personnel.
United States Coast Guard Station, Fort Myers Beach, Lee County: Lead field Geologist for removal of aboveground storage tank (AST) and replacement activities. Provided oversight for all field activities, coordinated the field schedule, and completed all report documents. The scope of work included the removal, cleaning and proper disposal of a 150-gallon diesel AST providing fuel for the onsite generator. Scheduling was conducted during non-hurricane season in conjunction with United States Coast Guard (USCG) personnel. A 100 KW generator was rented and staged onsite to provide backup power in case of emergency. The existing tank slab was removed and properly disposed. A crane was utilized to set the new 250-gallon Convault AST. The scope of work also included installation of all components, welding of all associated piping, and startup and load testing. All site activities were conducted within limited spacing in close proximity to the existing building and seawall.
Plane Crash Assessment and Source Removal, SFWMD Property C-139, Collier County: On March 25, 2019, a 1969 Beech 95B55 aircraft attempted to land in an open field at the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) C-139 property. The privately owned and operated aircraft sustained substantial damage during the forced landing upon impact with the canal; passengers sustained minor injuries. A witness working the grove drove the three passengers from the plane out to the main road where they met with emergency fire/medical staff. Mr. Aumann provided the field oversight for all site activities. The Interim Source Removal was conducted in accordance with Chapter 62-780.525, Florida Administrative Code (FAC) to address the cleanup of the de minimis petroleum discharges pursuant to Chapter 62-780.560, FAC. Mr. Aumann screened soils with an organic vapor analyzer (OVA), directed removal of impacted soils through soil excavation, and conducted confirmatory sampling with submittal of the samples to a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) approved laboratory. Mr. Aumann arranged for disposal of the investigative derived waste (IDW) by a licensed Transport and Disposal company. Mr. Aumann assisted in drafting and submission of the Interim Source Removal Report in 2019 to the FDEP South District office. The report was approved with no comments. Ultimately, the discharge was granted a No Further Action (NFA) with issuance of a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO) in October 2019.
Petroleum, Multiple sites: From 1999 to 2017, Mr. Aumann provided support as Project Geologist for the Florida Division of BP. Mr. Aumann was responsible for project and functional management of BP-owned and divested properties, in addition to many sites that were funded and contracted under by the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Inland Protection Trust Fund (IPTF). Mr. Aumann performed fieldwork and project management activities on over 100 sites during this timeframe.
Quail Hollow/The Grove Project, Wesley Chapel, Pasco County: Mr. Aumann was the lead field geologist for 12 years on the former Quail Hollow Dry Cleaners for CREA. Mr. Aumann served as the lead field geologist for the project duration, providing comprehensive environmental assessment and remediation activities of the thirty-acre site contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The project scope included shallow, intermediate and Floridan monitoring well installation of over eighty monitoring wells, in addition to multiple remediation injections wells. Mr. Aumann continued this work as he came on board with NovelE finishing out monitoring requirements on the project.
Fruitville Brownfields Area, DMB Brookhill RCRA Site, Sarasota, Sarasota County: Mr. Aumann was the lead field staff geologist responsible for all field activities, including source removal, groundwater sampling, drilling oversight/multi-aquifer well installation, active remediation, additional assessment in the eastern portion of the property, and RCRA compliance. The Brownfields site, formerly contaminated with chlorinated solvents, is currently developed with a Lowe’s Plaza and Harley Davidson retail establishment.
FDOT – US Hwy 27 PD&E, Lake Wales, Polk County: Mr. Aumann conducted multiple wildlife surveys for FDOT PD&E projects. In 2014, he worked closely with the wetland/ecological team for four consecutive months assisting with multiple aviary surveys in addition to the largest sand skink survey ever conducted for FDOT along a 15 miles-stretch of US Highway 27.
BS | Geology | Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL