NovelEsolutions supports their clients with protection of the environment and Federal, State and County resources, while facilitating growth and our client’s goals and core business missions. We work to minimize environmental impacts and eliminate ecological risk during site activities allowing projects to proceed within budget and on schedule. NovelEsolutions works to provide sustainable solutions for our personnel, clients and business partners through innovative management, design and implementation. Selecting subcontractors and vendors that reside in the community is one of the basic tenets of sustainable project management. Local vendors provide fast and easy support for projects within their community. Often mobilization or shipping charges can be eliminated providing a cumulative cost savings, which we pass along to our clients. Moral benefits include lowering the carbon footprint of the project and supporting better working conditions by buying American products. Leading by example, NovelEsolutions embraces the principles and practices of sustainability in our behavior and work products.
NovelEsolutions takes a multidisciplinary approach to design, breaking down limiting barriers and opening the project to out-of-the-box solutions. If criteria and constraints are evaluated properly, appropriate and specific solutions result. Criteria and constraints are evaluated at the system level and multi-dimensional in nature. Our solutions fit the needs of the project and are designed specifically to fit that requirement. Relevant sources of information are consulted for every project, and questions appropriate to the problem statement are asked of relevant stakeholders. Key considerations include customer attributes, engineering characteristics and environmental design.
NovelEsolutions team members include geologists, engineers, subcontractors, subconsultants, and vendors with a strong background in environmental services and restoration of project sites. For brainstorming sessions on new issues that arise, NovelEsolutions has the resources to reach out to compliance inspectors, geotechnical and civil engineers, and general contractors, etc. in order to achieve that multi-disciplinary idea generation. Alternatives are not limited during brainstorming to allow for open discussion and generation of as many ideas as possible. The atmosphere of the brainstorming sessions is set to minimize conceptual blocks and allow for the wildest of possible solutions. Evaluations are not limited at this point so that each idea builds upon another idea. Criticism is not allowed and no restrictions are placed during the ideation stage so that team members are encouraged to present solutions and new ideas. In this way, NovelEsolutions encourages green engineering design and implementation for each project. The overall goal is to minimize the environmental impact of the cleanup activities at each stage of the project through modified life cycle assessment (LCA) or “cradle to grave” evaluations.
As a final note, NovelEsolutions selects facilities with green policies, for any required worker accommodations and/or periodic meetings. The Florida Green Lodging Program, for instance, provides an easy means to implement this strategy. FDEP has researched these accommodations and selected them for their sustainable practices. As of August 26, 2020, on the FDEP website you will find 378 Green Lodging properties ranging from small Mom & Pop establishments to your average every day chain hotel. Subcontractor, Subconsultants and vendors following a green and sustainable approach to operations will be selected for key partnership opportunities.
NovelEsolutions has obtained the Envision® credential for primary staff. Envision® is an infrastructure rating system developed to help designers, builders and infrastructure owners build and direct infrastructure projects toward increasing levels of sustainability.NovelEsolutions utilizes this certification to expand partnering opportunities and for direct marketing of sustainability and life cycle analysis (LCA) services to private and public clients.
Sustainability and protection of the environment are core to the values and principles of NovelEsolutions. Our Corporate Sustainability Plan goals include key elements such as: 1) Innovative thinking and technology development will be fostered, creating new markets for company growth, while considering the environment, community, and economy. 2) Sustainable concepts will be incorporated into engineering design and management of in-house construction team. 3) Become a better steward of the environment. 4) Reduce waste; and 5) Create energy savings, leading to cost savings, and a lower carbon footprint for our company and affiliates. Key metrics included 100 percent recycling for all office products and a 20 percent increase in fuel efficiency across five years. By 2020, NovelEsolutions pledges to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions per mile driven by 20 percent.
Our key message:
If you treat people with dignity, they will value their work product and take pride in their communities.
NovelEsolutions strives to set the standard for consulting and engineering firms by encouraging community initiatives, donating to worthy non-profit organizations, and providing a sustainable, resilient environment in the areas that we touch.
REMTEC National Driller Workshop, March 2017, Envision Sonic: A Case Study Evaluation for Sustainability, Denver, CO
Florida Remediation Conference, October 2015, Moderator, Sustainability Panel: Debunking the Myths of Sustainability, Orlando, FL
HCR Happenings, December 2011, Tips for a Sustainable Holiday
Florida Remediation Conference, October 2011, Sustainability and Operations, Lunch Presentation, Orlando, FL