NovelESolutions, Inc. (NovelE) is an engineering and environmental consulting firm with extensive expertise in water supply development and Consumptive Use Permitting. NovelE provides groundwater consulting services throughout Florida and our experienced staff have completed hydrogeologic investigations throughout the State and the Southeast. The firm has extensive computing capabilities and routinely performs groundwater modeling, GIS development, and database development and management.
Consumptive Use Permitting NovelE routinely provides hydrogeologic consulting for Consumptive Use Permits. Services provided by the firm include:
Aquifer Performance Test Design and Implementation
Geophysical Log Interpretation
Aquifer Parameter Analysis
Well Site Supervision, Geologic Logging, and Water Quality Monitoring
Predicting Groundwater Level Decline from Groundwater Withdrawals
Evaluation of Impacts to Legal Users
Evaluation of Transient Groundwater Quality Impacts
Well Field Design
Groundwater Flow Modeling
NovelE’s staff have conducted scores of Aquifer Performance Tests related to Consumptive Use Permitting by the various Water Management Districts (WMDs) in Florida over the past 25 years and have additional hydrogeologic testing experience throughout the Southeast and nationwide. We are experts at hydrogeologic testing of the Floridan aquifer and Karst aquifers in general. Through this work we have developed an enviable reputation with the WMDs technical staff and a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and expectations of the various WMDs.
NovelE maintains an extensive inventory of hydrogeologic monitoring equipment including transducers and data loggers to measure groundwater levels and temperature, as well as probes capable of also measuring specific conductance. The probes are highly sensitive and measure water levels to 1/100th of a foot, which is essential to identifying potential test interference from existing well fields.
Water Well Permitting and Design Water supply development and hydrogeologic consulting are specialties of NovelE. NovelE provides consulting services related to development of groundwater supply wells, wellfield development plans, and wellhead protection programs.