Operation and maintenance (O&M) refers to the routine inspection of an operating remediation system. This key activity keeps our remediation services cost-effective and expedites cleanup.
O&M is typically conducted daily for the first three to ten days after startup of a new system, then weekly for fine tuning. These activities help to streamline the remediation of the contaminated media and adjust the system to meet site specific conditions. O&M may then be conducted weekly or or monthly thereafter depending on the requirements of the individual system. Complicated remediation systems or sites with discontinuous lithology may require more frequent visitation. NovelE's staff have worked on hundreds of remediation systems bringing many of the sites to closure. Effective design combined with high runtimes expedites site closure and minimizes client costs.
O&M activities typically include conducting routine maintenance on remediation equipment, collection of pressure and/or vacuum readings from equipment and monitoring points, and cleaning of filters, flow meters and remediation piping. Additional data collected from monitoring points might include dissolved oxygen or oxidation potential readings, depth to water, or groundwater sampling for constituents of concern (COCs) or biological parameters.
If constituents of concern are detected at levels below the Federal and State criteria, the site may qualify for Monitoring Only. In this type of cleanup activity, groundwater samples will be collected from onsite monitoring wells on a frequency of quarterly or semi-annually depending on the Monitoring Only Plan (MOP) agreed to by the responsible party and applicable regulatory agency.