NovelE's President, Liza Grudin, was appointed as the Chair of the National Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Community of Interest (COI) for K-12 STEM Outreach. Liza previously held the role of Vice-Chair for Strategic Alliances. In her Vice-Chair role, she created interest in SAME's many strategic alliances by having them join the monthly webinars and present on their outreach efforts. The ultimate goal is to create low-hanging fruit for our many SAME members to engage in outreach in support of STEM.
The K-12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Outreach Community of Interest's mission is to promote and support pathways to STEM degrees and STEM careers for K-12 students as part of the national strategic effort to produce more STEM professionals for the nation. The K-12 STEM Outreach Committee provides for the security of the nation by ensuring a robust STEM workforce. K-12 students need to be exposed to STEM activities, degrees, and careers as they move up the academic ladder. The committee will work with the network of Posts, individual members, sustaining members, service branches, and strategic partners to increase opportunities for STEM exposure for K-12 students. The COI will also promote the Society’s STEM programming at local, regional, and national events, as resources allow. You can learn more about Liza's role, vision and SAME's K-12 STEM Outreach COI at: STEM Community (
FY21 Water Quality Data and Sample Collection, 20 Louisville District Reservoirs
NovelE won this competitive small business award for surface water and sediment sampling to support the Water Quality Team objectives of the Louisville District Water Quality Program. NovelE was contracted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Louisville District, to complete work activities consisting of scheduling, aquatic physical/chemical/biological data, surface water sample collection, sediment sample collection, quality control, and reporting. NovelE utilizes a multiparameter sonde system to measure water temperature, specific conductivity, turbidity, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO), and blue green algae (BGA) and chlorophyll and collect associated samples for laboratory analysis. This was a competitive Small Business Award to NovelE as Prime Contractor. |
AuthorLiza Grudin, PE is a licensed Professional Engineer with over 25 years of environmental consulting experience. Ms. Grudin is adept at management of large portfolios with multiple, upper level and political stakeholders. She has provided supervisory and engineering support for large permits, remediation design, system construction, and operation and monitoring of federal and state funded, privately funded and consent order sites for multiple Fortune 500 clients. Archives
March 2024