FY21 Water Quality Data and Sample Collection, 20 Louisville District Reservoirs
NovelE won this competitive small business award for surface water and sediment sampling to support the Water Quality Team objectives of the Louisville District Water Quality Program. NovelE was contracted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Louisville District, to complete work activities consisting of scheduling, aquatic physical/chemical/biological data, surface water sample collection, sediment sample collection, quality control, and reporting. NovelE utilizes a multiparameter sonde system to measure water temperature, specific conductivity, turbidity, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO), and blue green algae (BGA) and chlorophyll and collect associated samples for laboratory analysis. This was a competitive Small Business Award to NovelE as Prime Contractor.
FY20 Water Quality Data and Sample Collection, 20 Louisville District Reservoirs
NovelE won this competitive small business award for surface water sampling to support the Water Quality Team objectives of the Louisville District Water Quality Program. NovelE was contracted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Louisville District, to complete work activities consisting of four major components including scheduling, aquatic physical/chemical/biological data and sample collection, quality control, and reporting. NovelE utilizes a multiparameter sonde system to measure water temperature, specific conductivity, turbidity, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO), and blue green algae (BGA) and chlorophyll and collect associated samples for laboratory analysis. This was a competitive Small Business Award to NovelE as Prime Contractor. Emergency response and disaster recovery require Management of Change. This is a learned skill that our team of experts is very familiar with. We strive to adapt with the times and our mission to support the Federal, State, and County governments.
From coast to coast, our NovelE-QRI Joint Venture supported by the QRI-Tetra Tech Joint Venture is ready to mobilize its architects, planners, scientists, engineers, and construction administrators in a cohesive, small-teams approach to support your COVID-19 response activities. Our team is a leading provider of emergency management and community resilience services across the entire continuum of devastating impacts of man-made and natural events. We help public and private sector clients address preparedness, mitigation, response, and short- and long-term recovery needs. During steady-state conditions, our crisis preparedness strategies include developing and applying technology to better inform clients about the wide array of hazards they face; prioritizing, scoping, and implementing projects designed to mitigate risks; and planning, training, and exercising public safety professionals to enhance their readiness to respond. During and after a crisis, we offer a wide range of incident management support including augmenting staff and personnel; facilitating and monitoring rapid infrastructure repair and debris management; and advising and guiding clients through comprehensive financial management, community resilience, and economic redevelopment phases of disaster recovery. Our project team consists of experienced disaster response and recovery specialists, operations managers, engineers, and architects who possess hands-on experience in responding to critical events. Our team’s combination of disaster management experts, former and reserve military team members, and specialists across various A/E/C fields allows us to provide the full range of planning and program execution services. For more information, please see our Capability Statement dedicated to the COVID-19 Response or contact our technical lead, Liza Grudin, PE at 239.220.4138. NovelE's president, Liza Grudin, and Project Geologist, Greg Aumann, attended the Society of American Military Engineer (SAME) 2019 Small Business Conference held November 20 - November 22 in Dallas, TX. With 3,000+ attendees this is a whirlwind event!
Ms. Grudin presented with NovelE's key teaming partner, QRI's, Fonda New on how to successfully grow a small business. Hope you were lucky enough to attend! Our President, Liza Grudin, and Chief Administrative Officer, Michelle Perry, attended the NASA Business Opportunities Expo 2019, sponsored by the NASA KSC Prime Contractor Board in partnership with the U.S. Air Force 45th Space Wing and Canaveral Port Authority. NovelE was one of approximately 200 businesses that exhibited this year with a highlight on Women-Owned Small Businesses.
NovelE-QRI Joint Venture, Inc. is a certified 8(a) and EDWOSB Joint Venture comprised of NovelESolutions, Inc.
(NovelE) and Quaternary Resource Investigations, LLC (QRI). NovelE-QRI offers a full range of turnkey engineering and consulting services including environmental consulting, geophysical assessments, environmental remediation, emergency response, and construction services. Together, we provide our clients the benefit of QRI’s 30+ years harmonizing government and industry with NovelE’s experienced and innovative technical staff averaging 20+ years. Tetra Tech as an approved SBA Mentor to QRI offers large business support to our NovelE-QRI JV. Liza Grudin, President and Founder of NovelE, was nominated as the Vice-Chair for Strategic Alliances for the K-12 STEM Outreach Community of Interest (COI). The K-12 STEM Outreach COI is a new National committee formed by the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME). Liza was picked from a large pool of applicants to perform this key national committee position. The K-12 STEM Outreach Committee mission is to promote and support pathways to STEM degrees and STEM careers for K-12 students as part of the national strategic effort to produce more STEM professionals for the nation.
The Vice-chair for Strategic Alliances role is to identify opportunities to develop and conduct strategic alliances with sustaining members, service branches, and strategic partners, as well as identify other potential collaborators. Liza’s role includes defining engagement opportunities for strategic alliances to support the K-12 STEM outreach efforts of the Society and to serve as point of contact for sustaining members, service branches, and strategic partners that want to work with the committee. NovelE supports SAME and STEM by offering compensation to staff for altruistic activities, such as volunteering and community outreach programs. The NovelE community must contribute. #makingadifference Today, NovelE was listed on the A-E Short Selection Database for work on USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station/Pacific Northwest Research Station/Pacific Southwest Research Stations. The Forest Service will utilize the Short Selection database to award A&E contracts below $250,000 in all states within the USDA Forest Service footprint. As specific projects arise, the Short Selection database will be used to pull a list of qualified firms that can perform the needed work at the specific location. NovelE was shortlisted under NAICS 541330, 541360, 541620, and 541690.
NovelE attended the 39th annual Tampa Bay Engineers Week Banquet on February 21, 2019. The event was held at the popular TPepin's Hospitality Center. Keynote Speaker, Jason Cutliffe, PE presented Duke Energy's resiliency strategy and lessons learned during the aftermath of Hurricane Michael. Our local STEM educators, rising star engineers, and the outstanding achievements of our long-time engineers was recognized.
AuthorLiza Grudin, PE is a licensed Professional Engineer with over 25 years of environmental consulting experience. Ms. Grudin is adept at management of large portfolios with multiple, upper level and political stakeholders. She has provided supervisory and engineering support for large permits, remediation design, system construction, and operation and monitoring of federal and state funded, privately funded and consent order sites for multiple Fortune 500 clients. Archives
March 2024